Kolesarska novinarka, arhitekturna kritičarka, glasbenica, … Umetnica. Prvič sem prebral njen prispevek, ko je pisala o Primoževi dirki po Franciji 2020. Ampak že od samega začetka svojega pisanja je bila osredotočena na Slovenijo in naše kolesarje. In seveda kolesarjenje na splošno. Kako in kje se prepletata arhitektura in kolesarjenje? Prisluhni!

Cycling journalist, Architecture critic, musician,… An artist. I first read the piece from her when she wrote about Roglič’s Tour de France 2020. But she was, right from the start really focused on Slovenia and their cyclists. And of course cycling in general. How does the Architecture and cycling mix together? Listen up!